About Us

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Welcome to That Amusing Girl, a cozy corner of the internet where passion for home decor and lifestyle blooms in the most delightful ways.

I’m Emily Collins, the heart and soul behind this blog, a 26-year-old lifestyle enthusiast who believes that a well-organized home paves the way to a well-organized life.

Born and raised in the vibrant cultures of India, I’ve always been enchanted by the art of transforming spaces into warm, welcoming havens. Living with my family, I’ve come to appreciate the beauty of a home that tells a story—every corner a testament to the lives intertwined within its walls.

That Amusing Girl is more than just a blog; it’s a journey I embarked on to share my zeal for beautifying spaces, discovering essential products on Amazon, and simplifying the art of living well. From the heart of my home to yours, I aim to bring you ideas, tips, and inspiration that make life a little more beautiful, one post at a time.

Why focus on home decor, you ask? Because I believe our homes are the backdrop to our lives. A well-decorated space isn’t just visually pleasing; it’s a sanctuary that reflects our personality, harbors our dreams, and nurtures our wellbeing.

Whether it’s organizing a cluttered kitchen, finding the perfect throw pillows for your living room, or navigating the vast world of Amazon to uncover those hidden gems, I’m here to guide you through it all with a sprinkle of fun and a whole lot of love.

As a lifestyle blogger, my goal is to create content that resonates with you—whether you’re looking to revamp your space, seeking organization hacks, or simply in need of some inspiration to make your home a little more ‘you’. Through my blog, I invite you into my world, sharing personal stories, successes (and occasional oops moments!), and everything in between.

That Amusing Girl isn’t just a one-way street; it’s a community of like-minded individuals who share a love for all things home and lifestyle. I cherish every comment, email, and interaction, for it’s your insights and experiences that enrich this blog’s journey.

Together, let’s create spaces that inspire, organize homes that breathe simplicity, and find joy in the little things that make life truly beautiful. So, whether you’re here for the first time or returning as a dear friend, I warmly welcome you to join my newsletter to get the latest updates on time.

Dive into our posts, share your thoughts, and let’s embark on this beautiful journey of making our homes and lives a reflection of who we truly are. Thank you for stopping by and making That Amusing Girl a part of your day. Here’s to creating, decorating, and living a life filled with amusing moments!

With love and sparkles,

Emily Collins